We don't have any pictures of Zipper or Brother Just Gitter....(as pictured below)

Zipper & Brother
Princess Had three kids, All were boys (The one named Brother was frozen so we didn't really check if it was a boy or
girl...But Brother seemed right.) After the winter strom (last year) had past which left most everything frozen...We checked
on the goats during the three days of the cold cold winter and Princess had her goats, Three KIDS!!! One goat was standing
over the other and one was frozen ... We named The one standing Gitter (like Get-R- Done) The one laying down Zipper and the
other...Brother. We took the two to our house and nursed them back to health (So we thought) we bottle fed them for
three days and Zipper looked healthy and was standing up and playing with his brother, But then that night when we checked
on him he was sound asleep and his brother ( Gitter) was standing over him and when I woke Zipper up to bottle feed him &
Play with him, He never woke up... This is the sad story of Zipper & Brother...Zipper Died from Scours... And the othe
well... You know.
Prissy was a good loving dog and was Sagents Best Friend For Life!!! Prissy Had something really sad happen to
her, Which I won't mention. But I loved her alot and I hope Sargent And Her will finfd each other in heaven and play like
they used to.
Lucky was a good Cocker Spaniel and was so cute and made everyone laugh, One day heading home from Pet Co. We were pulling
in the drive-way I was asleep and I felt a bump and woke up My mom was outside the car with my sister. They told me my mom
ran over my dog, Lucky and...Well, That's Kinda what happened